We like charts! Yes we do!

Google did a cool thing with their massive archive of data. I don’t really understand what exactly it is they did and I rest easy in the knowledge that many people, much smarter than me are hard at work figuring it out. You can read more about cool things those smart people are doing here and here. But, me and the rest of the Orbit team, had a different thought. That thought mostly being “ooh shiny!” and we hopped on the totally awesome public tool and started plugging things in like the children in a candy store we were.

Seriously, give a science fiction editor something that mashes up math and words and then we get happy.

Elves! Way more popular than Orcs or Dwarves. And still rising.

A few more fun ones after the jump…

Vampires! The Elves of urban fantasy!

And in the eternal battle of Star Wars vs Star Trek, I think we have a clear winner at long last. The pew pew wins over weapons from a more civilized age.

The tool provides for endless hours of amusement. Go check it out!Send us links of your favorite searches!